CIHR HIV/AIDS and STBBI Research Advisory Committee (CHASRAC)


The CIHR HIV/AIDS and STBBI Research Advisory Committee (CHASRAC) was established in 2003 to guide the implementation of the CIHR HIV/AIDS Research Initiative, in keeping with the parameters set out by the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada.

In line with the integrated approach to HIV/ADS and STBBI research defined in Reducing the Public Health Impact of Sexually Transmitted and Blood-borne Infections (STBBIs) in Canada by 2030: A Pan-Canadian Framework for Collective Action (the STBBI Framework for Action, 2018) and the Government of Canada’s Five-Year Action Plan on Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections (the STBBI Action Plan, 2019), CIHR has expanded the scope of the HIV/AIDS Research Initiative to integrate other STBBIs, including but not limited to hepatitis B, hepatitis C, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and human papilloma virus.

As a result of this expanded scope the advisory body of the CIHR HIV/AIDS Research Initiative has also evolved to support the implementation of an integrated approach to HIV/AIDS and STBBI research. In September 2019, the Terms of Reference of the advisory body were updated and the Committee was renamed the CIHR HIV/AIDS and STBBI Research Advisory Committee (CHASRAC). As part of the updated Terms of Reference, the CHASRAC’s membership was expanded to ensure that the necessary expertise and experience is available across the full spectrum of HIV/AIDS and STBBI research, the core pillars of the Framework for Action (prevention, testing, initiation of care and treatment and ongoing care and support) and other relevant areas.

Committee Mandate and Structure

The Committee has a mandate to advise the CIHR Science Council (SC), via the Scientific Director of the CIHR-Institute of Infection and Immunity and the CIHR Vice-President, Research Programs, to guide the implementation of the CIHR HIV/AIDS and STBBI Research Initiative, in keeping with parameters set out by the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada, as well as other initiatives addressing STBBIs, including but not limited to hepatitis B, hepatitis C, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and human papilloma virus, as appropriate. CHASRAC is instrumental in providing guidance to the CIHR HIV/AIDS and STBBI Research Initiative on the development and implementation of its strategic plan and in making recommendations to CIHR regarding strategic programs and priorities for HIV/AIDS and STBBI research.

CHASRAC membership includes researchers and other representatives with experience in the core pillars of the Pan-Canadian STBBI Framework for Action (prevention, testing, initiation of care and treatment, and ongoing care and support) and other relevant theme areas in Canada. The CHASRAC membership reflects the direction provided by the tri-agency Equity Diversity Inclusion Action Plan, as well as considerations related to geographic location and vulnerable populations. Membership will reflect as much as possible the diversity of HIV/AIDS and STBBI research and affected communities. The CHASRAC membership is composed of 12 members, including the Chair, and 3 ex-officio members.

The current membership of the CIHR HIV/AIDS and STBBI Research Advisory Committee is as follows:

Vera Caine (Chair)
Professor, School of Nursing
University of Victoria

Christian Baron (Ex-Officio)
Vice-President, Research Programs

Albert Beck
Director, Sixties Scoop, Manitoba Métis Federation and Indigenous Fellowship Programme
United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland

Nicolas Chomont
Associate Professor
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
University of Montreal
CHUM Research Centre

Jimmy D. Dikeakos
Professor and Chair of the Graduate Committee
Faculty Scholar
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Western University

Francisco Ibáñez-Carrasco
Assistant Professor, Learning Innovation
Dalla Lana School of Public Health
University of Toronto

Charu Kaushic (Ex-Officio)
Scientific Director
Institute of Infection and Immunity
Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Raynell Lang
Assistant Professor
Division of Infectious Disease
Departments of Medicine & Community Health Sciences
University of Calgary

Daryl Luster
Peer Advocate
Peer Mentor

Carrie Martin
Co-founder and Executive Director of the Indigenous Health Centre of Tiohtià:ke

Lyle Mckinnon
Associate Professor
Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
University of Manitoba

Gina Ogilvie
Canada Research Chair, Global Control of HPV related diseases and Cancer
Faculty of Medicine
University of British Columbia

Nitika Pant Pai
Department of Medicine
McGill University

Ciann Wilson
Assistant Professor
Community Psychology
Wilfred Laurier University

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