SPOR Strategy and Governance Refresh Steering Committee Members

Math'ieya Alatini
Math'ieya Alatini, a member of the Kluane First Nation, puts her experience and energy to work for Canada's indigenous Governments and northern communities as the chief strategist for GSD Strategies, where she leads successful partnerships.

Laura Commanda
Laura Commanda, Associate Scientific Director of the Institute of Indigenous Peoples Health (IIPH). She is Anishinaabe a member of the Serpent River First Nation in Ontario. She has a keen interest in strengthening health information and research at the community level.

Julie Couture
Julie Couture is Director of Research and Internal Coordination at the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services. She is a manager with rich and varied experience in the field of health and social services research.

Vincent Dumez
Vincent Dumez, MSc., C.Q., patient partner, Director of Community Partnerships at the Faculty of Medicine, holds a finance degree and a master's degree in management science from HEC Montréal. Mr. Dumez is actively involved in developing the "patient partner" concept.

Diana Ermel (Co-Chair)
Diana Ermel, past chair of the Canadian Breast Cancer Network, and member of the Advisory Board of the Saskatchewan Patient-Oriented Research Centre, she is a volunteer advocate who is passionate about patient-oriented research and equal access for patients at all health-care decision-making tables.

Richard Glazier
Dr. Richard Glazier, Scientific Director of CIHR's Institute of Health Services and Policy Research; a professor at the University of Toronto in the Department of Family and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, and Dalla Lana School of Public Health, His research focuses on the evaluation of health system transformation to improve health equity.

Fiona Jeffries
Fiona Jeffries has been Executive Director of Standards and Policy in the Health Policy and Planning Division of the Ministry of Health, Seniors, and Long-Term Care since 2021. Prior to joining the government, she led community health assessment, community development and health education in regional health authorities.

Maria Judd
Maria Judd is the Vice-President of Strategic Initiatives and Programs at Health Excellence Canada. A physiotherapist and epidemiologist by training, and a fellow of the NHS Quality and Safety Programme, her portfolio includes priority and cross-cutting areas.

Amy Lang
Dr. Amy Lang Executive Director of CIHR Patient-Oriented Research; Founder of Health Quality Ontario's Patient and Public Engagement Program, provides leadership and expertise for the Canadian Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) and other patient-oriented research initiatives within CIHR.

Tim Murphy (co-Chair)
Tim Murphy Vice-President of Health at Alberta Innovates, formerly Vice-President of Provincial Platforms and SPOR. Founder of an independent consulting firm and has worked with clients such as the CHILD Foundation, the Institute for Healthcare system Transformation and Sustainability and the Movember Foundation.

David J. Phipps
David J. Phipps, Network Director of Research Impact Canada and Assistant Vice-President of Research Strategy and Impact, sits on knowledge mobilization committees around the world and has been awarded the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal for his influential work.

Victoria Schuckel
Victoria is Executive Director, Research and Technology atthe British Columbia Ministry of Health. She has been active in commissioningand mobilizing research knowledge and actively engaging people with livedexperience through many initiatives and processes. She remains active with the BC SPOR Support Unit, Chronic Disease Networks, the Health Data ResearchNetwork, and other SPOR initiatives.

Lehana Thabane
Dr. Lehana Thabane is Vice-President of Research at St. Joseph's Healthcare in Hamilton; Scientific Director of the Joseph's Healthcare Research Institute; Professor of Biostatistics; Associate Member of several Departments of Medicine; an elected member of the International Statistical Institute; and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Pilot and Feasibility Studies. He has served several CIHR review committees.

Pamela Valentine
A neuroscientist by training, Dr. Pamela Valentine believes in achieving impact in the health domain, a passion she developed as a basic scientist with a strong desire to facilitate translation between research and clinical care. Passionate about community involvement, she sits on numerous boards and committees, including the Health Charities Coalition of Canada and the International Progressive MS Alliance.

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