2024 Funding Decisions Notifications


Funding Opportunity Competition Funding
Operating Grant: Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research Program 202403FLB View
Other: National Women's Health Research Initiative: Coalition – Hubs – Supplement 202406NWS View
Other: CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award – Phase 2 202406REA View
Operating Grant: Heart and Stroke (H&S) Research Networks of Excellence in Women's Heart and/or Brain Health 202404HSW View
Operating Grant: Heart and Stroke (H&S) Research Networks of Excellence in Women's Heart and/or Brain Health - Risk Factors 202404HS7 View
Operating Grant: Heart and Stroke (H&S) Research Networks of Excellence in Women's Heart and/or Brain Health - Diagnosis & Treatment 202404HS8 View
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) Network Catalyst Grant 202404MNC View
Operating Grant: College and Community Innovation Social Innovation Fund 202403COS View
Canada Graduate Scholarships – Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements 202406FSS View


Funding Opportunity Competition Funding
Operating Grant: Clinical Trials Projects 202311OCT View
Operating Grant: Clinical Trials Projects - Indirect Costs 202311OC1 View


Funding Opportunity Competition Funding
Team Grant: Lung Health 202311LGH View
Team Grant: Lung Health - Biological Effects of Vaping and Lung Health 202311LG1 View
Team Grant: Lung Health - Cancer and Lung Health 202311LG2 View
Team Grant: Lung Health - Climate, Air Quality and Lung Health 202311LG3 View
Team Grant: Lung Health - Data Science, Policy and Lung Health 202311LG4 View
Team Grant: Lung Health - Inflammation and Lung Health 202311LG5 View
Team Grant: Lung Health - Women’s Lung Health 202311LG6 View
Team Grant: Lung Health - Youth Behaviours, Vaping and Lung Health 202311LG7 View
Team Grant: Lung Health - Asthma, COPD and/or Chronic Cough Effects on Lung Health 202311LG8 View
Team Grant: Intervention Trial in Inflammation for Chronic Conditions - Evidence to Impact 202403ITI View
Team Grant: Intervention Trial in Inflammation for Chronic Conditions - Evidence to Impact - Knowledge Mobilization Hub 202403II1 View
Team Grant: Intervention Trial in Inflammation for Chronic Conditions -CIHR HIV/AIDS/STBBI Research Initiative 202403II2 View
Team Grant: Intervention Trial in Inflammation for Chronic Conditions - Evidence to Impact - Research Teams Grant - General Pool 202403II3 View
Operating Grant: Alzheimer Society Research Program - New Investigator Operating Grant 202311ASR View
Training Grant: Health Research Training Platform 202402HRT View
Training Grant: Health Research Training Platform - Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Health Data Sciences 202402HR2 View
Training Grant: Health Research Training Platform - Brain Health and Cognitive Impairment in Aging (IA) 202402HR3 View
Training Grant: Health Research Training Platform - Health System Impact Training Platform 202402HR4 View
Training Grant: Health Research Training Platform - One Health - Antimicrobial Resistance 202402HR5 View
Training Grant: Health Research Training Platform - One Health - Emerging Zoonoses 202402HR6 View
Canada Research Chairs - CIHR Funded - Tier 1 202304T1C View
Canada Research Chairs - CIHR Funded - Tier 2 202304CRC View
Project Grant: Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 202403PJT View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Antimicrobial Resistance (Bridge Grant) 202403ARB View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement - Breast Cancer Prevention & Early Detection 202403BCP View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement - Breast Cancer Survivorship 202403BCS View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement - Cancer Survivorship 202403CSV View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: Early Detection/Cancer Prevention 202309DCP View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Female Athlete Health 202403FEM View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: Health and Official Languages in Minority Communities 202403HOL View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis: Oral Health 202403MOH View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis 202403MYE View
Operating Grant - Priority Announcement: Genetics (Bridge Funding: Research Priorities) 202403OGB View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: Human Development Child and Youth Health - Early Career Support 202403PAU View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: Human Development Child and Youth Health - Mid Career Support 202403PAV View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: Research in First Nations, Inuit and/or Métis Health 202403PAX View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: Infection and Immunity 202403PJ4 View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes 202403PJ9 View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: Human Development, Child and Youth Health 202403PJA View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: HIV/AIDS and STBBI 202403PJH View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: Health Services and Policy Research 202403PJI View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: Sex and Gender in Health Research (Bridge funding) 202403PJX View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: Breast Cancer Research 202403PLL View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement - Pandemics and Health Emergencies Research - Multi-Year Funding 202403PNM View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergencies Research 202403PPE View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: Infection and Immunity (Early Career Research Support) 202403PTT View
Project Grant - Priority Announcement: Racism and Racial Inequities in Sex and Gender Health Research (Bridge funding) 202403RRI View
Prize - Project Grant – Priority Announcement: CIHR Institute of Aging Prize: Award of Excellence in Research in Aging 202403AWE View
Prize - Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Prize: CIHR Institute of Aging - Mid Career Investigator Prize in Research in Aging 202403PFF View
Prize - Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Maud Menten New Principal Investigator Prizes in Genetics - Biomedical Research 202403PJJ View
Prize - Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Maud Menten New Principal Investigator Prizes in Genetics - Clinical Research 202403PJN View
Prize - Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Health services/social, cultural, environmental & population health 2202403PJO View
Team Grant: Strengthening the Health Workforce for System Transformation 202311HWS View
Team Grant: Strengthening the Health Workforce for System Transformation: Aging Workforce 202311HW1 View
Team Grant: Strengthening the Health Workforce for System Transformation: Cancer Health Workforce 202311HW2 View
Team Grant: Strengthening the Health Workforce for System Transformation: Equitable, Diverse and Inclusive Health Workforce 202311HW3 View
Team Grant: Strengthening the Health Workforce for System Transformation: Indigenous Health Workforce 202311HW6 View
Team Grant: Strengthening the Health Workforce for System Transformation: Pediatric Workforce 202311HW7 View
Team Grant: Strengthening the Health Workforce for System Transformation: Public Health Workforce 202311HW8 View
Team Grant: Strengthening the Health Workforce for System Transformation: Rural and Remote Health Workforce 202311HW9 View
Team Grant: Strengthening the Health Workforce for System Transformation: Workforce that Cares for an Aging Population 202311HS6 View
Team Grant: Embracing Diversity to Achieve Precision & Health Equity - Letter of Intent 202402EDL View
Team Grant: Embracing Diversity to Achieve Precision & Health Equity - Aging - LOI 202402EL0 View
Team Grant: Embracing Diversity to Achieve Precision & Health Equity - Cancer - LOI 202402EL1 View
Team Grant: Embracing Diversity to Achieve Precision & Health Equity - General Omics - LOI 202402EL2 View
Team Grant: Embracing Diversity to Achieve Precision & Health Equity - HIV/AIDS and STBBI Co-infections and Co-morbidities - LOI 202402EL3 View
Team Grant: Embracing Diversity to Achieve Precision & Health Equity - HIV/AIDS and STBBI - Indigenous - LOI 202402EL4 View
Team Grant: Embracing Diversity to Achieve Precision & Health Equity - HIV/AIDS and STBBI - Population Health and Prevention - LOI 202402EL5 View
Team Grant: Embracing Diversity to Achieve Precision & Health Equity - Indigenous - LOI 202402EL6 View
Team Grant: Embracing Diversity to Achieve Precision & Health Equity - Infection and Immunity - LOI 202402EL7 View
Team Grant: Embracing Diversity to Achieve Precision & Health Equity - Nutrition and Metabolic Health - LOI 202402EL8 View
Team Grant: Embracing Diversity to Achieve Precision & Health Equity - Precision Prevention in Nutrition and Metabolic Health - LOI 202402EL9 View
CIHR Pan-Canadian Network for HIV/AIDS and STBBI Clinical Trials Research – Phase 1 202402HIR View
Operating Grant: Bringing Rare Disease Gene Therapies to Clinical Trial Readiness 202402BRD View
CIHR-IMHA Inclusive Research Excellence Prizes 202402REP View
CIHR-IMHA Inclusive Research Excellence Prizes - Indigenous Health Research 202402RE1 View
CIHR-IMHA Inclusive Research Excellence Prizes - Open Science 202402RE3 View
CIHR-IMHA Inclusive Research Excellence Prizes - Patient Engagement 202402RE5 View
CIHR-IMHA Inclusive Research Excellence Prizes - Research Impact 202402RE7 View
CIHR-IMHA Inclusive Research Excellence Prizes - Team Science 202402RE9 View
Team Grant: Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) 202311CHD View
Team Grant: Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) - Causes and Early Detection 202311CH8 View
Team Grant: Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) - Care Transitions 202311CH9 View


Funding Opportunity Competition Funding
Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) 202405URS View
Lindau Prize 202310LPR View
Catalyst Grant: Chief Public Health Officer (CPHO) Report 202402FOP View
Catalyst Grant: CPHO Report - Centre for Research on Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergencies 202402FO3 View
Catalyst Grant: CPHO Report - General Pool 202402FO4 View
Catalyst Grant: CPHO Report - Institute of Gender & Health 202402FO5 View
Catalyst Grant: CPHO Report - Institute of Indigenous Peoples' Health 202402FO6 View
Catalyst Grant: CPHO Report -Institute of Infection and Immunity 202402FO7 View
Planning and Dissemination Grant - Institute Community Support 202402PCS View
COVID-19 Immunity Task Force (CITF) Databank 202403CIT View
CIHR Strategic Master's Award 202312MAA View
CIHR Strategic Master's Award - Computational Biology and Health Data Sciences 202312MA1 View
CIHR Strategic Master's Award - First Nations, Inuit and/or Métis Health 202312MA2 View
CIHR Strategic Master's Award - Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergencies 202312MA3 View
CIHR Strategic Master's Award - Sex, Gender, and Intersectionality in Health Res. 202312MA4 View
Catalyst Grant: Health Impacts of Gambling and Gaming 202310GAM View
Operating Grant: CRISM Indigenous Engagement Platform 202310IEP View
Operating Grant: CRISM Network Coordinating Centre 202310NOC View
Master's Award: Canada Graduate Scholarships 202312GSM View
Operating Grant: Implementation Science Team Grants: Evaluation of Programs, Services and Innovative Models of Care for People Impacted by Dementia 202312EDP View
Operating Grant: Evaluation of Programs, Services/Innovative Models of Care for People Impacted by Dementia - Stream 1 - Azrieli Foundation for Aging with Neurodiversity 202312EP3 View
Operating Grant: Evaluation of Programs, Services/Innovative Models of Care for People Impacted by Dementia - Stream 1 - General 202312EP4 View
Operating Grant: Evaluation of Programs, Services/Innovative Models of Care for Ppl Impacted by Dementia - Stream 1 -Historically Excluded Populations 202312EP5 View
Operating Grant: Evaluation of Programs, Services, and Innovative Models of Care for People Impacted by Dementia - Stream 1 - Indigenous Health Research 202312EP6 View
Operating Grant: Evaluation of Programs, Services, and Innovative Models of Care for People Impacted by Dementia-Stream 2 - Azrieli Foundation in any relevant research areas 202312EP7 View
Operating Grant: Evaluation of Programs, Services/Innovative Models of Care for Ppl Impacted by Dementia - Stream 2 - General 202312EP8 View
Operating Grant: Evaluation of Programs, Services/Innovative Models of Care for Ppl Impacted by Dementia - Stream 2 -Historically Excluded Populations 202312EP9 View
Operating Grant: Evaluation of Programs, Services and Innovative Models of Care for People Impacted by Dementia - Stream 2 - Indigenous Health Research 202312EP0 View
Team Grant: Improving Health and Administrative Data and Monitoring for Rare Diseases 202311IHA View
IYS-Net Phase 1: Building Learning Health System Networks 202306YNP View
IYS-Net Phase 1: Building Learning Health System Networks - Stream 1 Network Grants 202306YN1 View
IYS-Net Phase 1: Building Learning Health System Networks - Stream 2 Development Grants - Northwest Territories 202306YN2 View
IYS-Net Phase 1: Building Learning Health System Networks - Stream 2 Development Grants - Nunavut 202306YN3 View
IYS-Net Phase 1: Building Learning Health System Networks - Stream 2 Development Grant - Prince Edward Island 202306YN4 View
IYS-Net Phase 1: Building Learning Health System Networks - Stream 2 Development Grant - Yukon 202306YN5 View


Funding Opportunity Competition Funding
CIHR Fellowship 202310MFE View
Fellowship - Priority Announcement: The Mach-Gaensslen Foundation - Mental Health, Addictions and Cognitive Health 202310MGF View
Fellowship - Priority Announcement: Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergencies 202310FPE View
Fellowship - Priority Announcement: First Nations, Inuit and/or Métis Health 202310FRF View
Fellowship - Priority Announcement - HIV/AIDS and/or STBBI 202310HIV View
Fellowship - Priority Announcement: Aging 202310AGE View
Operating Grant: Health System Impact Fellowship - National Cohort Retreat 202310FNC View
Doctoral: Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships 202311CGV View
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 202309BPF View
Canadian Immunization Research Network - Full application 202402CNF View
Operating Grant: CIHR-IGH Summer Institute – Host Grant: Sex and Gender+ Science 202402SGS View
Summer Student Research Scholarships in Psoriatic Diseases 202401RSP View
Doctoral Research Award: Canada Graduate Scholarships 202311FBD View
Doctoral Award: Doctoral Foreign Study Award (DFSA) 202310DFD View
Doctoral Research Award - Priority Announcement - Canada Graduate Scholarship to Honor Nelson Mandela 202310DF2 View
Doctoral Research Award - Priority Announcement: Centre for Research on Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergencies 202310DP1 View
Doctoral Research Award - Priority Announcement: Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 202310BCB View
Doctoral Research Award - Priority Announcement - HIV/AIDS and/or STBBI 202310DF1 View
Doctoral Research Award - Priority Announcement: Research in First Nations, Métis and/or Inuit Health 202310DIA View
Doctoral Research Award - Priority Announcement: Sex, Gender and Intersectionality in Health Research 202310DSG View


Funding Opportunity Competition Funding
Team Grant: Improving Diagnosis for Rare Disease Patients 202311RDP View
Heart and Stroke Personnel Awards for Indigenous Scholars 202309AIS View
Heart and Stroke Personnel Awards for Indigenous Scholars - Master's 202309AI8 View
Heart and Stroke Personnel Awards for Indigenous Scholars - Doctoral 202309AI9 View
Canada Excellence Research Chair 202209ERC View
Team Grant: Implementation research targeting chronic non-communicable disease risk factors associated with city environments 202303GCE View
Team Grant: Implementation research targeting chronic non-communicable disease risk factors associated with city environments - Open Research Area 202303GC2 View
Team Grant: Implementation research targeting chronic non-communicable disease risk factors associated with city environments - Priority Research Area 202303GC3 View


Funding Opportunity Competition Funding
Other: Enhancing knowledge mobilization for syphilis research 202402EKS View
CIHR-III New Investigator Forum Travel Awards 202402NIT View
Team Grant: Canadian Brain Health and Cognitive Impairment in Aging Research Knowledge Mobilization (KM) Hub - Letter of Intent 202401BKL View
Summer Program in Aging - Planning Grant 202401SPG View
Summer Program in Aging 202312SMP View
Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) Phase III: Directed Grant Operations Centre 202312CND View
Catalyst Grant: Analysis of Canadian Longitudinal Study in Aging (CLSA) Data 202310ACD View
Catalyst Grant: Analysis of Canadian Longitudinal Study in Aging (CLSA) Data - IMHA 202310AC3 View
Catalyst Grant: Analysis of CLSA Data - IA Early Career Researchers 202310AD6 View
Catalyst Grant: Analysis of CLSA Data - IPPH Mandate Early Career Researcher 202310AD7 View
Catalyst Grant: Analysis of Canadian Longitudinal Study in Aging (CLSA) Data - IPPH Mandate 202310AC9 View
Health System Impact Embedded Early Career Researcher Award 202305SIE View
Health System Impact Embedded Early Career Researcher Award - Aging pool (Research Area 4) 202305HS1 View
Health System Impact Embedded Early Career Researcher Award - Eastern Pool (Research Area 2) 202305HS2 View
Health System Impact Embedded Early Career Researcher Award - Health Services, Health Systems and Policy (General Pool) 202305HS3 View
Health System Impact Embedded Early Career Researcher Award - Indigenous Peoples’ Health Pool (Research Area 3) 202305HS4 View
Health System Impact Embedded Early Career Researcher Award - Northern, Rural and Remote Pool (Research Area 1) 202305HS5 View
Canada Research Chairs - CIHR Funded - Tier 2 202210CRC View
Canada Research Chairs - CIHR Funded - Tier 1 202210T1C View
Operating Grant: Infectious and Congenital Syphilis in Canada: Implementation and Intervention Research Response 202311AIC View
Operating Grant: Addressing Infectious and Congenital Syphilis in Canada - Syphilis Implementation Science - General 202311AS1 View
Operating Grant: Addressing Infectious and Congenital Syphilis in Canada - Implementation Science for Syphilis Point of Care Testing - Indigenous-led 202311AS2 View
Operating Grant: Addressing Infectious and Congenital Syphilis in Canada - Implementation Science for Syphilis Point of Care Testing - Prairie General 202311AS3 View
Operating Grant: Addressing Infectious and Congenital Syphilis in Canada - Implementation Science for Syphilis Point of Care Testing-Prairie Indigenous-led 202311AS4 View
Operating Grant: Addressing Infectious and Congenital Syphilis in Canada - New Models of Care for Prevention of Congenital Syphilis - General 202311AS5 View
Operating Grant: Addressing Infectious and Congenital Syphilis in Canada - New Models of Care for Prevention of Congenital Syphilis - Indigenous-led 202311AS6 View
Operating Grant: Addressing Infectious and Congenital Syphilis in Canada - New Models of Care for Prevention of Congenital Syphilis - Prairie General 202311AS7 View
Operating Grant: Addressing Infectious and Congenital Syphilis in Canada - New Models of Care for Prevention of Congenital Syphilis - Prairie Indigenous-led 202311AS8 View
Operating Grant: Data Analysis Using Existing Databases and Cohorts 202310EDC View
Operating Grant: Data Analysis Using Existing Databases and Cohorts - Infection and Immunity 202310EC8 View
Catalyst Grant: Healthy Youth 202311HEY View
Catalyst Grant: Healthy Youth - Environment and Climate Action 202311HE1 View
Catalyst Grant: Healthy Youth - Indigenous Youth 202311HE2 View
Catalyst Grant: Healthy Youth - Promoting Health Equity in Canada’s Youth 202311HE3 View
Operating Grant: Voluntary Sector Knowledge Mobilization Support Grant 202312KMS View
Operating Grant: Healthy Cities Research Initiative: Data Analysis Using Existing Databases and Cohorts 202311DAH View
Operating Grant: Healthy Cities Research Initiative: Data Analysis Using Existing Databases and Cohorts - Healthy Cities Intervention Research General Pool 202311DA8 View
Applied Public Health Chair 202310CPP View
Applied Public Health Chair - Equity in Primary Health Care 202310CH3 View
Applied Public Health Chair - Oral Health 202310CH4 View
Applied Public Health Chair - Public Health System Transformation 202310CH5 View
pplied Public Health Chair - Applied Ethics in Health Emergencies 202310CH6 View
Applied Public Health Chair - Pandemic and Health Emergency Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery 202310CH7 View
Applied Public Health Chair - 2SLGBTQI+ Older Adults 202310PH6 View
Applied Public Health Chair - Ageism and Older Adults 202310PH7 View
Applied Public Health Chair - Behavioural Science and Community-Based Approaches to Address Mis-/Dis-Information 202310PH8 View
Applied Public Health Chair - Environment, Climate Change, and One Health 202310PH9 View
Chair: Applied Public Health Chair - General Pool 202310PP7 View
Applied Public Health Chair - Healthy Cities - Urban Indigenous Health 202310PP8 View
Applied Public Health Chair - HIV & STBBI Research 202310PP9 View
National Women’s Health Research Initiative: Pan-Canadian Women’s Health Coalition - Coordinating Centre 202310NWC View
Catalyst Grant: Crisis/Suicide Line and App-based Support Models for Post-Traumatic Stress Injuries in Public Safety Personnel (PTSI in PSP) 202311CLA View
Team Grant: National Pediatric Rare Disease Clinical Trials and Treatment Network 202310DCN View


Funding Opportunity Competition Funding
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award 202305ECA View
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award - General 202305ED0 View
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award - Aging Person in an Aging Society 202305ED1 View
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award - Arthritis 202305ED2 View
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award - Brain Health and Cognitive Impairment 202305ED3 View
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award - Eye Diseases 202305ED4 View
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award - Health Systems 202305ED5 View
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award - HIV/AIDS and STBBI 202305ED6 View
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award - Human Development, Child and Youth Health 202305ED7 View
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award - Infectious Disease and Immune System 202305ED8 View
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award - Musculoskeletal Health 202305ED9 View
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award - Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergencies 202305DI1 View
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award - Rare Diseases 202305DI2 View
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award - Cancer 202305DI3 View
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award - Women's Health 202305DI4 View
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award - Kidney Health 202305DI5 View
CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award - Type 1 Diabetes: III 202305DI6 View
SPOR SUPPORT Units 202304SU1 View
Team Grant: Transnational Research Projects on Rare Diseases 202306ERT View
Prize - IHDCYH Talks 202309IHT View
Operating Grant: Bringing Rare Disease Gene Therapies to Clinical Trial Readiness 202309LBR View
CAAIF/CIHR-III/CIHR-ICRH Food Allergy Research Grant 202309ALG View
Canadian Cancer Society Research Training Awards 202308CDN View
Project Grant: Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 202309PJT View
Project Grant: Bridge Grant 202310PJT View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Antimicrobial Resistance (Bridge Grant) 202309ARB View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Early Detection/Cancer Prevention 202309DCP View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Female Athlete Health 202309FEM View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Global Health Research 202309GLB View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Health Economics and Health Services Research in Cancer Control 202309HEH View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Health and Official Languages in Minority Communities 202309HOL View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Health and Climate Change 202309LIM View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis: IMHA Mandate Areas 202309MHM View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis: Pain 202309MHP View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis: Oral Health 202309MOH View
Operating Grant – Priority Announcement: Genetics (Bridge Funding: Research Priorities) 202309OGB View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Population and Public Health 202309PAA View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Human Development Child and Youth Health - Early Career Support 202309PAU View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Human Development Child and Youth Health - Mid Career Support 202309PAV View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Research in First Nations, Inuit and/or Métis Health 202309PAX View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Pediatric Cancer Research 202309PDI View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Intersectionality in Sex, Gender and Health Research 202309PGI View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Research in human development, child and/or youth health in Indigenous populations 202309PHD View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Aging 202309PJ2 View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Infection and Immunity 202309PJ4 View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction 202309PJ8 View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes 202309PJ9 View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Human Development, Child and Youth Health 202309PJA View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: HIV/AIDS and STBBI 202309PJH View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Health Services and Policy Research 202309PJI View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Patient-Oriented Research 202309PJK View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Patient-Oriented Research: Early-Career Investigator 202309PJM View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Cancer Research 202309PJS View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Sex and Gender in Health Research (Bridge funding) 202309PJX View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Breast Cancer Research 202309PLL View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergencies Research 202309PPE View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Research on Prevention or Response to Covid-19 or Similar Future Pandemics 202309PRP View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: HIV/AIDS and STBBI Multi-Year Grant 202309PSS View
Project Grant Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Infection and Immunity (Early Career Research Support) 202309PTT View
Project Grant – Priority Announcement: T2D Prevention & Self-Management Youth and Young Adults Racialized, Low Socioeconomic Status and Ethnocultural Communities 202309T2D View
Prize – Project Grant – Priority Announcement: The Bhagirath Singh Early Career Prize in Infection and Immunity 202309BPI View
Prize – Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Health Services and Policy Research Rising Star Early Career Award 202309PAI View
Prize – Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Robyn Tamblyn Mid-Career HSPR Innovator Award 202309PAJ View
Prize – Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Barer-Flood Senior Career Prize in Health Services and Policy Research 202309PAQ View
Prize – Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Early Career Investigator in Cancer 202309PJF View
Prize – Project Grant – Priority Announcement: CIHR Institute of Aging – Mid Career Investigator Prize in Research in Aging 202309PFF View
Prize – Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Early Career Investigator Prize in Research in Aging 202309PEA View
Prize – Project Grant – Priority Announcement: Yves Joanette Award of Excellence in Research in Aging 202309PJU View


Funding Opportunity Competition Funding
Travel Awards - Institute Community Support 202310ISU View
Catalyst Grant: National Women’s Health Research Initiative: Innovation Fund – Biomedical Discovery Grants 202307NWI View
Catalyst Grant: SPOR Innovative Clinical Trials (iCT) 202307SCT View
Catalyst Grant: SPOR Innovative Clinical Trials (iCT) - Indigenous Health Research 202307ST5 View
Operating Grant: SPOR Innovative Clinical Trial Multi-Year Grant 202307MYG View
Operating Grant: 16th JPIAMR transnational call for research projects within the ERA-NET JPIAMR-ACTION: AMR Diagnostics and Surveillance 2023 202307ADS View
Operating Grant: Joint Programme on Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) 202306ENG View
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