Institute Advisory Board Information and Eligibility

Institute Advisory Boards (IABs) are composed of dedicated volunteers from across Canada and abroad who provide advice and guidance to the Institute's Scientific Director with respect to Institute priorities, initiatives, and engagement activities.

IAB membership is diverse. Members contribute a breadth of knowledge, experience and perspectives related to health, health research and health-related areas. IAB members are researchers, scientists, clinicians, non-scientific experts from public, private and not-for-profit sectors, patients, patient advocates, caregivers and individuals with living and lived experiences.

Applications from candidates are reviewed by the Institute during the annual membership cycle. During the selection process, Scientific Directors consider several factors including the number of vacancies on the IAB, gaps in expertise and experience on the IAB, gaps in representation and overall diversity of the IAB. A list of specific expertise, experience and representation that each Institute is looking to fill is made available in February of each cycle year.

We strongly encourage applications from individuals who identify as Indigenous, Francophone, gender diverse, those living with disability, or belonging to an equity-denied group. Patients, patient advocates and individuals with lived experience are also encouraged to apply. Students and trainees are also eligible to apply.

Why join an IAB?

As a member of an IAB, you will have the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of health research priorities, strategies, and community engagement of your Institute.

IAB Time Commitment

Membership on an IAB is voluntary and there is no renumeration. Each IAB meets at least twice per year and members are reimbursed for expenses related to meeting attendance at the standard Government of Canada rates. Members serve an initial appointment of three years with the possibility for renewal up to another three years.

IAB Application Process

To learn more about the IAB application process, please visit: IAB Application and Guidelines

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