Join the College of Reviewers

Express Your Interest or Nominate a Candidate

With over 4,000 members, the College of Reviewers (College) underpins the full spectrum of CIHR’s funding competitions each year, ensuring a base of varied expertise that is available to participate in high-quality peer review of applications. College Members make a commitment to being CIHR’s primary source of reviewers; they are recruited first to review research proposals that are received to CIHR’s funding competitions, and at times may be asked to contribute their specific expertise through an advisory opportunity. They have a shared commitment to improving the health of Canadians by upholding the highest standards for health research funding, and by fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for collaboration during the peer review process.

In addition to the research community that forms the base of peer review at CIHR, the College also facilitates opportunities for people both inside and outside of academia to share their perspectives and contribute as active members of peer review committees or in advisory roles.

If you are interested in partnering with the College or would like to nominate yourself or a candidate for College membership, you can easily express interest using our online form.

Still have questions or are not sure if peer review is for you? Watch our CIHR 101: Peer Review at CIHR learning module to help deepen your understanding of the peer review process.

Read more about College membership below, or if you would like to speak to someone about your background and what might best align with your interests and abilities, send us an email at or call CIHR’s Contact Centre at 1-888-603-4178 to arrange a time for us to discuss by phone.

Benefits of becoming involved

CIHR relies on the expertise of thousands of volunteers, spanning from peer reviewers to Committee Chairs and Scientific Officers, and members of advisory bodies who donate their time to ensure that Canada is funding world-class research and innovation.

Becoming involved means you are playing a role in guiding health research funding; ensuring that the significant investments being made in Canada consider both rapidly evolving science and the highly competitive research landscape. For academics, participation can bring advantages like gaining insight into the peer review process, expanding your knowledge of new research developments in your field, and engaging and networking with your peers. For those outside of academia, it brings an opportunity to learn more about an area you are passionate about and impacted by, and to share your unique expertise and knowledge towards improving the health of individuals and entire communities.

To support new and experienced reviewers, the College offers learning and capacity development programs and review quality tools to strengthen their reviewing skills. We also work closely with Institutions and organizations to recognize individuals that are contributing back to the peer review system in annual College Member Activity Reports, and highlight the service commitment of our Members in different ways such as our online list of College Members and through online recognition campaigns.

Participant types at CIHR

The College regularly enlists new members to ensure that there is a deep foundation of individuals with different expertise that can be recruited for all CIHR’s funding competitions. Recognizing that people often bring multiple perspectives and life experiences to the peer review process, candidates for College membership will be considered based on the participant type they are most closely aligned and interested in below:

  • Academic Researchers

    Academics form the largest proportion of College Members and are recognized experts in their fields that are committed to the health research funding landscape. They bring a demonstrated track record of excellence and dedication to the peer review system, and they afford a stable base for the reviewing needs of research proposals received to CIHR’s grants and awards competitions.

    If you are an academic interested In joining the College we encourage you to express your interest online and we will contact you to discuss your eligibility and areas of scientific expertise. Academic candidates may be offered Full or Associate College membership based on the level of peer review experience.

    Candidates will be asked to complete a Reviewer Profile to determine their eligibility:

    • Required Research and Grant Experience for Membership:
      • Academic/professional appointment as an independent researcher;
      • At least one federally funded (or equivalent) peer reviewed grant as a Principal Investigator; and
      • Knowledge and experience within CIHR's mandate.
    • Peer Review Experience (Academic):
      • Full Member: participated in two or more peer review roles at CIHR or other recognized organization.
      • Associate Member: participated in less than two peer review roles at CIHR or other recognized organization.

    *Individuals that do not meet the criteria for academic membership may be eligible for learning and capacity development programs. Please consult the Reviewer Pathway for details.

  • Other Researchers and Individuals Outside of Academia

    When it comes to research involving or having implications for communities, discussions should include people with practical or professional experience, lived experience, and traditional or local knowledge. Canadian science benefits from community perspectives that add context and complimentary expertise to the academic review process. The College seeks to increase the inclusion of individuals from diverse backgrounds and life experiences in its membership, including knowledge users, Indigenous community members (including Elders and Knowledge Keepers), patients, caregivers, and advocates.

    College Membership Eligibility

    College membership opportunities are available for people that have previous reviewing experience, or an expressed interest in continuing after participating in one or more peer review or advisory roles at CIHR.

    Knowledge Users

    Knowledge Users play a critical role in the success of the peer review system by bridging how research can best inform future health policies, programs, and practices. Knowledge users come from a variety of backgrounds such as policy makers, educators, practitioners, health care administrators, community leaders and health charity representatives, all of which bring a unique perspective to the discussion.

    If you are a Knowledge User that has professional experience using research results to inform health policies, programs, and/or practices, we encourage you to express your interest online.

    Indigenous Community Members

    In addition to academics and researchers engaged in Indigenous health research, CIHR is dedicated to increasing the engagement of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis community members to bring Indigenous knowledge perspectives and lived experiences to the review of research addressing Indigenous health. Your guidance strengthens the understanding of ways proposals could impact health in Indigenous communities and how research could address specific needs within community.

    If you are an Indigenous community-based researcher, Elder, and/or Knowledge Keeper/Holder and would like to share your knowledge in CIHR peer review or contribute in an advisory role, we encourage you to you to express your interest.

    Patients, Caregivers and Advocates

    CIHR is seeking to improve the inclusivity of people with lived experiences by encouraging patients, caregivers, and patient advocates to participate in in the peer review process or in advisory roles. Your perspective can play an important role in shaping decisions that will directly impact the future treatments, interventions, and the quality of services and care that patients receive.

    If you are a patient, caregiver, or patient advocate and would like to share your knowledge and experience as a reviewer or in an advisory role, we encourage you to express your interest.

College membership details

Membership in the College of Reviewers is voluntary, based on the willingness and reciprocity of individuals who agree to participate in peer review and advisory roles. In turn, the College works to ensure predictable workload of its members, respecting periods where they have indicated their unavailability using our online availability tool, or any accommodation needs that they have shared. By joining the College, you’ll become a member of a community of peers that is working together to ensure the highest standards of confidentiality, integrity, and transparency in peer review are upheld.

The College Member Roles and Responsibilities defines and clarifies expectations for Members participating in peer review roles and activities on behalf of the College. Individuals invited to join the College must also agree to the terms of the College Membership Agreement before commencing their membership.

At any time, a Member may choose to end their membership with the College but will be asked to fulfill any outstanding peer review commitments they have made (except for extenuating circumstances). CIHR also reviews College membership periodically to address any imbalances and replace Members who have not responded to invitations over a period of time.

Our application process is always open. For questions about existing or potential College membership, please contact us at

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