Frequently Asked Questions – Manage Access task

After consulting with the community, CIHR has implemented a new optional Manage Access task in ResearchNet allowing Nominated Principal Applicants (NPAs) to delegate access to their application easily and securely to a set number of individuals.

  • 1. How do I add and/or remove an individual with delegated access?

    How to delegate access:

    1. Ensure the delegate has a valid ResearchNet account/email address.
    2. Select the Manage Access task.
    3. Select the Add Access link.
    4. Complete the mandatory Email Address (ResearchNet account) and Last Name fields. Note, first name field is optional.
    5. Select Save or Save and Add Another User.

    How to remove access:

    Delegated access is at the discretion of the NPA and may be revoked by updating the Manage Access task:

    1. Access can be revoked at any time before eSubmission by selecting Delete.
    2. Once deleted, the individual will no longer be able to view the application.

    We recommend that the NPA revoke all delegates access prior to consent and submission of an application. For any additional questions, please contact the CIHR Contact Centre at 1-888-603-4178 or

    For competitions with multiple stages, (i.e., registration, Letter of Intent (LOI), or full application), delegated access does not continue from one stage to another. In this situation, the NPA must update the Manage Access task at each stage.

    2. How many delegates can have access at one time?

    CIHR has allowed for a maximum of five [5] delegates to have access at one time, per application, but it is recommended that only one [1] person works on a specific task at a time to ensure all content is properly saved.

    3. Does the delegate need a CIHR PIN?

    Individuals with delegated access will not require a CIHR PIN. They will, however, require a ResearchNet account. Details on how to get a ResearchNet account can be found on the Register with CIHR webpage.

    4. What actions can be performed by a delegate?

    Individuals with delegated access will be able to support the completion of the eSubmission tasks in collaboration with the NPA and other applicants.

    Delegated access will grant an individual access to a specific application; it will not enable access to all of an NPA's Current, Completed, or Inactive activities.

    The delegate will not have the ability to add additional delegates to the application; this is solely the responsibility of the NPA.

    The delegate cannot complete the self-identification questionnaire subtask on behalf of the NPA or participating research team members, nor can they see anyone else's self-identification questionnaire responses. The delegate is not required to complete their own self-identification questionnaire for the application.

    The delegate cannot submit the application on behalf of the NPA. It remains the NPA's responsibility to review the full application for accuracy and completeness prior to eSubmission.

    5. For which funding opportunities/competitions will the Manage Access task be available?

    If the Manage Access task is enabled, it will be included in the Nominated Principal Applicant's (NPA) application task list as optional for ongoing Grant opportunities/competitions.

    Not all Award opportunities will include the Manage Access task. The task will be enabled based on individual funding opportunity requirements. Please see the How to apply section of the funding opportunity for more information.

    6. Will the delegate have access to the completed/submitted applications?

    If a delegate's access is not removed by the NPA prior to application submission, the delegated individual will retain access to the completed application within their Completed Activities tab. Should the NPA wish to revoke access after submission of an application, please contact the CIHR Contact Centre at 1-888-603-4178 or

    7. What actions should an NPA take to effectively use the Manage Access task?

    CIHR recommends considering the following tips and reminders to effectively use the Manage Access task:

    • The Manage Access task has been designed to allow for delegation of application tasks, but not to have several delegates working on the application simultaneously as task saves are independent of each other. Should two individuals collaborate on the same task at the same time, only the last person who saves their work will have their content saved. As a result, we recommend the NPA consider coordinating the contribution to tasks to ensure only one [1] person is working in a specific task at a time.
    • It remains the NPA's responsibility to review the full application for accuracy and completeness prior to eSubmission.
    • We recommend that the NPA revoke all delegates’ access prior to consent and submission of an application.
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