Terms of Reference – Executive Committee

Reference: Section 10 (1) (a) of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act CIHR By-Law - Article 5, section 5.01


The Executive Committee ensures the timely and orderly flow of Governing Council business and provides a mechanism for collaboration and coordination of business across Governing Council committees.

Roles and responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of the Executive Committee include:

Cross-Committee Coordination

The Executive Committee may be asked on occasion by Governing Council as a whole, any individual member of Governing Council, or the President to address specific matters of Governing Council, separate from Governing Council meetings. Such requests will flow through the Chair of Governing Council.

Chair and membership

The Executive Committee is a committee of Governing Council. It consists of the Governing Council Chair, the Vice-Chair who will preside at meetings in the absence of the Chair, plus the Chairs of the committees of Governing Council. The President is an ex officio member.


To be held quarterly. Additional meetings may be scheduled at the call of the Chair.


A majority of its members (50% + 1)


Bourinot's Rules of Order, 4th Edition


The Executive Committee does not have decision-making authority, except for items specifically delegated to them by Governing Council.

The Executive Committee advises and brings forward recommendations to Governing Council for decision.


The Executive Committee will report to Governing Council through its Chair.

The person or persons requesting that the Executive Committee address specific matters of Governing Council will be informed of the outcomes relating to their request.


On an annual basis, a review of the terms of reference and re-affirmation of membership.


The Executive Committee is supported by the CIHR Governance Branch who advises the committee Chair and members, prepares and distributes meeting material, and enables timely follow-up of committee meetings and decisions.

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